Get Involved
This is YOUR organization. Grand Canyon River Guides would not be here without the support and vitality of members like you. We thank each and every one of you for all you do for the Canyon and the River, in ways large and small. It’s a deep and abiding love that we all share in our hearts. Please consider our suggestions below, and help us as you are able.
Tax Deductible Contributions
Whether it’s a year-end contribution, a donation to the Circle of Friends fundraising drive (to support the Boatman’s Quarterly Review) or just a few extra $$ at any time, contributions help us enormously, while they help you on your taxes. It’s for an eminently worthy cause, so do it today! Large or small, it all helps and we’re grateful for every penny.
Current Membership
GCRG membership is the backbone of this organization and the engine that keeps it running. A small thing like keeping your dues current really does keep GCRG healthy and strong. Not to mention, you don’t want to miss any issues of the Boatman’s Quarterly Review!
Stay Connected
Quite frequently GCRG is involved in resource management issues that include a public participation component. It is always GCRG’s responsibility to send in official comments, but it is also your responsibility as a river steward to weigh in on these issues as well. Because time is usually of the essence for these processes, we generally use our email lists to give everyone the heads-up. So get dialed in and subscribe to Boatman’s Beta.
Consider volunteering for the Adopt-a-Beach Program or make a submission to the BQR. Contact the GCRG office at (928) 773-1075 if you’re interested. And of course, consider running for the GCRG Board of Directors – we need your energy, ideas, and perspectives!
Support Guide-Owned Businesses
River guides are incredibly creative and industrious folk, and their interests and talents are wide-ranging. In fact, many current and former river guides have their own businesses that deserve your support and patronage, some river-related, and others not. Check out the ever-growing list below and throw your business their way!
Check out all the awesome swag available through GCRG and spread the word by sporting our gear. Whether it be are in need of a new hoodie, hat, “classic” GCRG mug, or some canyon music, we’ve got you covered.
Funding ideas
If you know of any funding source (an individual, a foundation, or a corporate sponsor) that might be interested in supporting Grand Canyon River Guides, please let us know! Email info@gcrg.org.
Assist in the protection of Grand Canyon and the Colorado River experience in perpetuity by including GCRG in your will or trust. It’s a wonderfully touching way to keep on giving to the place that has given you so much.
Encourage Others to Join
GCRG is largely dependent upon word-of-mouth for new members, so your assistance can make an enormous difference. Whether it’s guide-to-guide, guide-to-passenger, or whatever the means, we really count upon YOU to spread the word and extol the virtues of this organization. Thanks for your support!